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"I love the male body. It's better designed than the male mind." -Andrea Newman
I never thought about a double standard in the area of beauty/grooming until I came across "Abs In A Box". Yeah, I said "Abs In A Box".

This kit is exactly what it says it is. It's actually abs in a box. Or at least the products men need to give/get the illusion of abs. When I first saw it I rolled my eyes and thought "What sad bastard would buy this?!" and then I caught a glimpse of my makeup trunk and it made me think... As a professional MUA I have an entire trunk filled with products to cover things we have, create things we don't have, and take years off of our appearance. And by "we" and "our" I mean...women. For the most part anyway. It's the norm for me to provide these services to men work. On a shoot/stage/film set makeup and grooming on a man is completely acceptable but other than those scenarios makeup on a man, in my eyes, is so weak. Just plain un-sexy. Which is such a double standard because as a woman I use all of my professional products on myself (in everyday life) creating illusions and masking flaws, and I have left more than my share of lipstick on men's collars... But double standard or not, if a man's abs rubbed off on me I would be filled with disdain. I would be seriously turned off and it's not right but it is what is. So please fellas...only use this product for Halloween. And even then...only if you must.

Kisses Bitches...
Glamour Whore...xoxo